In between the opening gavel and the closing confetti, there were more speakers than anyone could remember. But there were a few who created the moments this convention will be remembered for.

A Romney was the star of the show, but it was Ann Romney, not Mitt. If you want to know what heartfelt sounds like, just listen to her speech in support of her husband:

"No one will work harder. No one will care more. No one will move heaven and earth like Mitt Romney to make this country a better place to live!” said Ann Romney.

I give Ann Romney an “A” — because she was outstanding.

"My fellow Americans, we do not have a choice. We cannot be reluctant to lead, and one cannot lead from behind," Condoleeza Rice said.

Interestingly, another woman was the second star of this show. Condoleeza Rice radiated poise, and her speech made it clear why so many Republicans wished she was on their ticket:

Rice deserves an “A” for her speech, and for proving there is a place in the GOP for minority women.

Mitt's running mate helped build momentum for him, but fact checkers had a field day with Paul Ryan’s speech.

Ryan's energy made it obvious why Romney wanted him, and for me, his grade was “B+.”

"When somebody does not do the job we gotta let 'em go,” Clint Eastwood said.

Clint Eastwood could have been talking about himself. The aging, conservative, white male actor did nothing for Romney or Republicans. The only person's day he made was President Obama’s.

He's lucky to get an “F.”

And finally there's Mitt Romney, who tried his very best, but still couldn't prove he has a close connection to ordinary people. His best lines were not about him, but about the president, so I think “B-“ is a very fair grade.

"You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had, was the day you voted for him," Mitt Romney said.

The only purpose of a convention is to keep the votes you have, and win some you didn't.

I think the Republicans did just fine with their conservative base, but not as well with independents or moderates or women who are still undecided.

So, overall, I give the GOP a "B."

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