Especially in coastal areas, it feels like we’ve been waiting and waiting for spring to arrive.  It did today!  It was a wonderful Sunday, with glorious sunshine and temps in Boston topping out in the mid 60s.  Yes, we had a coastal breeze again today, but it was still an improvement.  Not to mention everyone, their aunts, kids, cousins, and soccer coach’s dogs were out enjoying the weather (the Greenway and the Common were covered with people)!

Ahhh… that’s what spring feels like.  Can we do it again?  Well…

How about we just get straight to summer?!

Talk about a swing of the pendulum; Our pattern has finally changed.  We still haven’t made it up to the 70° mark yet this season, but tomorrow we’re making a run at 80°.  Coming off of such a cold, snowy winter – 80° is going to feel HOT.  There may even be some who break down and turn on the AC already (I am forecasting that I will be guilty of this).

Red Sox Games vs. the Rays are looking good through the next few days.  Monday will be comfortable (thought you still might want to bring a jacket with you for when the sun goes down).  Tuesday may feature some scattered showers, but it doesn’t look like thunderstorms anymore – and I don’t expect a washout at all.  Wednesday, we’re back to clear skies again.

Temps will cool a touch as we get past Monday – but they still remain above average.  The only kicker is, the sea breeze is back in the picture for Tues-Thurs, which will keep coastal areas in the 60s.  Still… This is perfect for this time of year.

It was just last week that I was so excited about an extended forecast that had so many 70 degree temps in it, and now I’m counting at least 3 days this week that we could make it past the 80° mark.  We are back at it next weekend – Gettin’ our suntan on (with SPF 35 of course…)  Hellllllloooooo Beautiful Boston Weather!  -Breezy

P.S.  If you’re heading to the beach, I might see you there.  However, I will not be taking a dip as the water temp is still in the 40s.  Too cold for me!

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