BOSTON (WHDH) - At Dray in Boston’s South End, you’ll find gin, bourbon, beer, and wine.

But this is no ordinary liquor store.

You can shop for mock mojitos, soft whiskey sours, or “G and T,” minus the gin!

“We’re Boston’s first and only non alcoholic bottle shop,” said Pat Dooling, founder of Dray. “Many of the things in my store, 10 years ago, they just didn’t exist. We all know about O’Douls beer back in the 90s, and some of it wasn’t that great back then. But all of those products have come so far.”

If you’re feeling crafty, you can come to Dray’s and learn how to turn any classic cocktail into a sophisticated mocktail, a word Dooling doesn’t love.

“It’s one of my least favorite words in the space,” said Dooling. “The word mocktail, in some respects, people will sometimes say ‘well, this is fake wine or this isn’t real beer…’ And, no, actually. All this stuff is the real deal.”

Dray offers a subtle sip that’s a great alternative!

If you’d like to stop by sometime and peruse, Dray is open Thursday thru Sunday and hosts events all the time.

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