(WHDH) — Despite opening to the second-biggest box office haul ever, some fans have expressed disappointment with the newest Star Wars movie — and now they’re trying to do something about it.

A petition posted on the website change.org has called for the iconic movie, ‘The Last Jedi,’ to be removed and remade, calling the film “a travesty.”

The petition requests that the film must be remade after destroying the legacy of some of the movie franchise’s iconic characters.

You can see the petition here (WARNING: MILD SPOILERS).

The petition had been signed more than 13,000 times as of Tuesday morning.

In an update to the post, the original poster, Henry Walsh of Georgia, says that he was “upset and I was on strong pain medication” when he put up the original request, and he asked those who were passionate about the cause to consider supporting other petitions on Change.org and GoFundMe, “where we can make a difference that matters.”

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