An elderly man in Washington state is alive thanks to four Good Samaritans who brought him to safety after his car got stuck on some train tracks.

The rescue happened right before a freight train came barreling by, and it was all captured on a cell phone camera.

Cynthia Svendgard and her boyfriend Daniel saw the man right outside of their Auburn home. He seemed confused, and did not know how he got there.

The man was unable to move his car, so the couple encouraged him to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out. 

Right as the elderly man walked around to the other side, the couple realized a freight train was barreling down the tracks. 

The couple, along with two good friends grabbed the man and brought him down a small hill to a spot behind a couple of cars that were parked nearby. 

Daniel stuffed his cell phone into his pocket as the train’s horn got louder and louder. 

Less than 30 seconds later, the train hit the car. 

"It just crushed the car like a can," said Daniel.

The Good Samaritans said they never would have known the man was stuck if one of the friends hadn’t gone outside to move his car.

"We were all in the right place at the right time,” said Richie Sanchez. “Just happened to everything lined up in the right way so that he’s alive still."

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