LOWELL, MASS. (WHDH) - Lowell Police captured a small alligator over the weekend.
On Sunday at around 7:30 p.m., Lowell Police received a call reporting an alligator walking on South Walker Street in the Highlands section of town. When officers arrived, they found a foot-long alligator on the side of the road.
“I didn’t know if it was real or not at first,” said Tracy Potter, who spotted the alligator while out walking her dog. She said when she and her dog came back and found the alligator in a different spot, she knew it was real.
It is not known where the alligator came from. Lowell Police Capt. Timothy Crowley said someone was possibly keeping the gator as a pet and dumped it outside when they were unable to care for it anymore. Alligators are illegal to keep as pets in Massachusetts.
Animal Control captured the alligator. It was transported to a facility in Dracut specializing in reptile rehabilitation for evaluation and care.
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