DEDHAM, MASS. (WHDH) - A recent arrival at the Animal Rescue League in Dedham won’t be on anyone’s Thanksgiving dinner table this year, and could be a welcome addition to any household looking for a poultry pet.
“Kate” the domesticated turkey is up for adoption, according to the ARL, after the 1-year-old bird was dropped off at their facility. Her previous owners reportedly rescued her from a farm where she was destined to be a future meal, but later parted ways with her when they had to move, leaving her with the animal rescue group.
Mike DeFina, the communications and media relations officer for the ARL, said Kate has developed quite the personality since she started living as a pet.
“Her personality’s wonderful, very curious, very friendly – she actually allows herself to be pet, which is great, and she seeks attention, likes being around people, enjoys being around other animals,” DeFina said. “She’s just a very happy-go-lucky turkey.”
For those interested in adopting Kate, an ideal new home would have plenty of outdoor space. She is also able to stay outside in the winter, but would need a shed or shelter to keep warm.
Kate also has wingmates in the form of two chicken friends, making them like “Three Musketeers,” according to the ARL. However, adopting the chickens are not required for anyone interested in the turkey, though adopting all three is an option.
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