BEVERLY, Mass. (WHDH) — A Beverly couple trying to go green put up a grid of solar panels but their neighbors are not thrilled about the new addition.
The Eanes family recently installed ground-mounted solar panels on their front lawn in a move to go green and save money on electricity. The panels stand about 10 feet tall and their neighbors do not like them.
“This neighbor chose to move this monstrosity as close to her neighbors’ as she could get it,” said neighbor Ted Downing.
The grid of panels is on a long stretch of land next to their driveway and Downing said it is too close to the surrounding houses. Other complained that the tower, which tilts and follows the sun during the day, is an eyesore and will hurt their property value.
Lola Eanes defended her decision to put up the solar panels, saying she followed the law and got everything approved.
“We didn’t need a variance, we didn’t need a special permit of any kind, we didn’t violate any of the city’s zoning regulations,” said Eanes.
Beverly’s city council is expected to review regulations next year that may ban similar solar panels.
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