Don’t know about you, but I can’t find a place anywhere around me where there is frost in the ground. It’s almost Christmas, and I can count two days this month – the 7th & 8th – that were really cold. Oddly, we’re only 1.2 degrees above normal this month. Must be the clouds, which have kept the temperatures in check during the day, but kept the overnight lows on the mild side. In any event, temperatures will slide in the coming days, as the clouds once again slowly tighten their grip on Southern New England.
We’ll get one more fairly bright day tomorrow before the onshore wind and clouds build on Saturday and Sunday. Drab? Pretty much. Flakes my fly late Saturday along the coast as onshore flow scoops up a limited supply of ocean moisture. With marginally cold temperatures, I’m not seeing an accumulation.
Then we sit in the clouds and wait…
…for the big storm on Christmas Eve. Wait, you didn’t hear about it? Big storm, pattern changing kinda thing. Hammers us with rain and 50s on Christmas Eve, then sets the stage for a second storm to backhand us with more rain and a shot of very cold air by New Year’s.
Here’s fair warning: the hashtags are likely to go crazy on Twitter, fb and Instagram. I’ve already seen #snowmageddon #hellastorm and (bahahaha) #santabomb are starting to surface on social media. Take ’em for what they are: good entertainment, but check back with us for the facts.