Some outstanding weather for the next few days with High Pressure sprawled out like a cat in a bay window on a sunny day. This area of High Pressure is located up in southern Canada and will stay put right into the start of the weekend. Now, with the blue H up there, it’s not in an ideal spot for New England warmth. The ideal location for springtime warmth in New England would actually be just south of Long Island as that would promote a healthy westerly breeze. That westerly breeze would fend off the chilly ocean air and allow temps to head for 70 from Boston to Barre! Oh well.
We’ll have to live with the High Pressure up near Quebec city and that will set up a northeast flow—ideal for cool temps in New England, especially along the coastline. Despite this cool flow, that sun will shine for the next several days. Plan on sunny skies and seasonable temps with most towns close to their normal high of 54. Coastal cities & towns will be just shy of that number while locations well inland will be just above that number. #NiceWeatherProblems.
By Sunday and Monday that High Pressure is still a playa in our world but it will drift just south of New England. That should be enough to get temps into the 60s for both Sunday & Monday. I still think a sea breeze is likely each day so coastal cities/towns reach the 50s. This is good tho for Marathon runners as temps Monday afternoon look like they’ll be in the 50s under a partly sunny sky….much much nicer than last year!
Peace out.