A Connecticut youth basketball coach is facing charges after surveillance footage shows him intentionally hitting a parent with his car after a game, according to police.

The incident took place outside an elementary school near Hartford, Connecticut.

Police say the driver in question is the coach of the visiting team.

Witnesses say the incident started with an argument during the game.

“When it comes to basketball, things shouldn’t end that way,” said Randolph Ricketts of New England Officiating Services and Development. “We use basketball to have fun, and seeing two individuals that are indirectly not involved in the game to be in a situation like that is very unfortunate.”

Police say the coach claims the man walked into his path and had no time to swerve out of the way.

But police argue the video shows the driver didn’t attempt to get out of the way.

Witnesses say the victim suffered a broken nose, a concussion, among several other injuries.

“At the end of the day, we’re there for the kids and for the kids’ growth,” said Ricketts. “We’re not there to give them traumatic experiences.”

The driver faces second-degree assault among other charges. He’s scheduled to be in court next week.

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