ESPN announced that they have fired former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling as a baseball analyst after he shared a controversial post about transgender rights on Facebook.
Schilling shared a meme on his Facebook page that showed an overweight man wearing a wig and women’s clothing with the caption, "Let him into the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die!" Schilling also made his own comment on the post, saying, "A man is a man no matter what they call themselves."
Schilling took the post down after he received many critical comments. He went on WEEI on Wednesday to defend sharing the post.
"Do you ever have someone say something about you, that you almost laugh about because they clearly don’t know who you are, and there’s no way it could be true?" Schilling said told WEEI. "That’s how I feel about stuff that’s happened there. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. One of my sons is very involved in the LGBT community at high school, has a club at high school. I’ve had people of all races, colors, religions, sexual orientations and whatever in my home and never in my life have I treated somebody based on any of those factors," said Schilling.
ESPN said in a statement, "ESPN is an inclusive company. Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated."
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