Eureka! We have found it! The SUN!! Some of you even sent out tweets commenting about the big, bright orb in the sky making you a little scared. I understand. It’s been a while since we’ve seen the center of our solar system – and you may have found that after 8 consecutive days of rain, you forgot what Mr. Sunshine looks like. Well, we’ll have an opportunity to remember, because this week features plenty of sun. FINALLY. By the way, today was the warmest it’s been this month… even into the 60s for most!
I guess this is Mother Nature’s way of celebrating Mother’s Day: Bringing us a few different types of weather all between one day’s sunrise and sunset. It wasn’t much rain today, but as I mentioned before, it still makes 8 straight days of wet weather. It’s time for a change. Mostly clear skies overnight tonight will make for cooler temperatures; even into the upper 30s in the coolest spots. One of the benefits of last week’s stagnant weather pattern was that we weren’t concerned about frost (temps staying in the 40s for lows and highs… blech). Now, as we move through this week, the possibility of frost is back in the forecast – mainly for those coolest spots. We’ll keep you posted as we move through the week.
Maybe you noticed that as the skies cleared today, we also had a breeze kick in? It will be fairly breezy overnight tonight, which will help to keep the temps from dropping too low (mid 40s for Boston). It will also be breezy tomorrow – but that helps to keep the sea breeze away, which means even temps along the coastline will make it well into the 60s tomorrow! The day is not completely cloud-less, and I can’t rule out a pop sprinkle with some of those clouds… but I think it’s more likely that tomorrow is a DRY day for most, and there’s more sunshine than clouds.
Sunny skies stick around through Friday afternoon! Temps even climb into the low 70 inland on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s starting to feel and look more like spring! Enjoy it, and good luck finding those sunglasses you haven’t needed in a week. When you finally do locate them, make sure you exclaim "EUREKA!" :c) – Breezy