There is a new potential threat of a shooting or bomb attack in Europe.
Authorities in Vienna got the tip, and stepped up security.
Vienna police said the tip came from a "friendly" intelligence service, warning of a possible gun or bomb attack in a European capital sometime between Christmas and New Year’s.
Police say they’ve found no evidence of a plot, but they’ve increased security at big events and crowded places.
It’s been six weeks since the gun and bomb attacks in Paris that left 130 dead.
Capitals around Europe have been on a heightened state of alert ever since.
Two weeks ago, Swiss authorities stepped up security around the United Nations headquarters in Geneva because of what authorities called a "specific" terror threat.
The newest tip comes as a new audio message believed to be from ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was released. It is the first said to be from him in seven months.
The message is 24 minutes long.
The ISIS leader threatens Israel, criticizes the new Saudi-led coalition and says ISIS is getting stronger.
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