The man in red may be a timeless figure, but he has never had a figure like this before.

Paul Mason, also known as Fashion Santa, doesn’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice; he just cares if you look good.

Mason has been a model for more than 30 years. Two years ago, Mason grew a beard and had an idea to accompany it.

"You get people that are a little confused, but once they think about it for a second they warm up," Mason said.

Mason is now a Christmas fixture at the Yorkdale Shopping Centre in Toronto, sporting a modern twist on the classic white beard and Santa attire.

"I am wearing a velvet jacket… it’s Ferragamo, but I’m wearing a velvet jacket," Mason said.

Despite the homage to Saint Nick, there is is a line not to be crossed.

"No hat.. No, God, please… Draw the line there," Mason said.

The fashion-forward idea has been a hit with shoppers of all ages proving you’re never too old for Santa. 

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