If you know anything about me, it’s that I’m a Star Wars fanboy and after seeing the movie last night…faith restored in that franchise—awesome! Now that The Force has been Awakened what about winter? Yes….I think this weekend, you will feel winter flowing through New England—-not in the sense of snowflakes but rather cold, blustery conditions.

Getting that winter cameo will be a cold front heading this way during the day with more clouds and even a few showers. Unlike yesterday where the showers were widespread all over southern New England, today the showers will be focused across southeast MA—South Coast, Cape/islands. Even here in metro Boston a few sprinkles & isolated showers are likely midday through early this evening. Farther north & west will be a few sprinkles but not much else. Another mild day with temps in the upper 40s.

The weekend offers sunshine both days but also cold temps. Hah…I say "cold" because we haven’t had any cold (normal) temps in weeks so when afternoon temps are near 40 (with a wind chill near 30) that will feel cold compared to the 50s & 60s we’ve seen….and will see again soon….

….Next week our jet stream snaps right back into warm mode bringing warm air into New England. Temps middle of next week are expected to reach the 50s & perhaps the 60s by Christmas Eve.

Winter is still sleepy…still not ready to wake up.


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