This time of year, restaurants are packed with customers who want fast, cheerful service. 

One family took a little extra time to extend some holiday cheer of their own. 

Meredith Goss has cheerfully served customers at Red Robin for the past four years. 

Little did she know, in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, customers would take time to be attentive to her. 

“We were talking about Christmas and the kids and they were asking me if I had any children and I told them I a four year old daughter,” Goss said. 

They turned the tables on her and offered to serve her. 

“They said they wanted to leave a nice tip for being Christmas and in the spirit of giving. And they left me a $200 tip,” she said. “I was kind of in shock almost like no you don’t have to do that that’s way too much. And they were politely insistent t that I take it.”

The generous tip was perfect timing, because at the top of Gracelyn’s toy list was an Elsa doll. 

Goss is used to taking orders, but this customer’s request was unique. 

A message Gracelynn and her step sister Abigail are learning together. 

“He told me to get her a big toy and instead of telling her it was from Santa tell her it was from Jesus,” she said. “The spirit of giving comes from being like Jesus and he said that’s what he enjoys doing.”

(Copyright (c) 2015 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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