An 8-year-old girl from Illinois is spreading her love for police officers and firefighters across the country.
Arianna Nichols is making some very special gifts and shipping them to cities in the U.S.
She explained that it’s just her way of saying thank you.
"I think for a minute about what they do, I make the crosses," said Nichols.
Nichols has sent more than 6,300 crosses to 96 departments in 33 states since she started making them in September.
She makes them out of beads and sends them to police and firefighters to carry with them. They come in many different colors.
"Put them in their pockets or hats," said Nichols.
Nichols said if she knows a department has recently lost an officer, she’ll send extra blue and black crosses.
"To keep a memory of their officers that fall," said Nichols.
The Fargo, North Dakota Police Department got a bag of 160 crosses earlier this month, along with a handwritten note.
Nichols wrote that she hopes her gifts will inspire people to pray and she hopes they will protect the people carrying them.
Several members of the department took pictures to send back to the girl.
Sergeant Jim Cringley was one of those.
He pins his at his desk where he can look up and see it.
"It was very nice,” said Cringley. “It made me feel good. It made my day."
Cringley said it’s a nice gesture during a time when there is so much criticism of law enforcement.
"Without public support the police department doesn’t function,” said Cringley. “It’s nice to hear especially someone so young that she would take the time to make the little crosses."
Chief David Taunt said they do get symbols of support like this from time to time and that they’re always appreciated.
"There’s all sorts of bad news in this world that you hear every day, but when you have the innocence of a child that’s willing to reach out and say ‘Hey I care about you, I made this for you,’ I think that’s pretty special," said Taunt.
Nichols said she sometimes spends two hours a day working on the crosses. She is committed to working hard for a good cause.
"The sooner I make the crosses, the sooner it will protect the officers and firefighters," she said.
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