A Roslindale grandmother was arrested Thursday after protesting outside a bus stop in Mattapan.
Mary Franklin was carrying a sign and got on a bus, and then police stepped in.
She appeared in court on Thursday after demanding that Boston Public Schools put monitors on buses.
"Today was about standing up for all the little kids who go to Boston Public Schools who ride these big machines that are not safe," Franklin said.
She was taken away in cuffs and charged with trespassing.
"It’s been an experience, would I take it back? No, I’d do it again," she said.
The charge was dismissed in court a few hours later.
"I don’t think it’s fair to have the bus drivers babysit while driving the buses," Franklin said.
Franklin said she believes another adult, beside the driver, should ride the bus with the children.
She said he own 5-year-old granddaughter was suspended twice from the bus.
"Pretty much for acting like a 5-year-old," she said.
Franklin said she thinks a monitor could help avoid that kind of problem while making rides safer.
She said she will keep up the fight until every child ages 7 and under has a monitor on their bus. ‘
"Our children are precious and we have to make them a priority in the Boston Public School System," she said.
Boston Public Schools do have monitors on their buses, just not all of them.
In a statement, the school said:
Safety is always a top priority of the Boston Public Schools. To ensure a safe environment on school buses, we require that all non-student riders undergo a thorough application process, which includes a Criminal Offender Record Information background check. We are constantly reevaluating ways to improve the services we provide to students to ensure that children have a safe ride to and from school.
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