FALL RIVER, MASS. (WHDH) - Police said there was a call for shots being fired just before a car crashed into a Fall River business front late Sunday night.
The Chaves market storefront is being repaired in Fall River after the crash, which police said knocked bricks from the outside wall, leaving a large hole. It also caused several glass panes to crack.
Initially, officers were called to the area for shots fired. Police said while on their way there, a car hit a business nearby.
Letitia Brooks heard the gunshots, and estimated about eight to ten were fired.
“At first I thought maybe it was fireworks,” she said, “but at that point I looked out the window and just saw the vehicle on the side of Chaves.”
Investigators said the people inside the car had taken off by the time officials arrived on the scene, but had left the car lodged in the building.
“When I heard the story I couldn’t understand why they didn’t take off with the car,” Manuel Pacheco, who works near the scene of the crash, said.
Police have not clarified whether the shooting or the crash are connected and said they don’t think anyone was hurt in either case, which happened behind a series of town homes near businesses and a school.
“You know I think this is a safe area, been raising my son here for five years,” Matthew Roderiques, whose son attends the nearby school, said. “I think it’s a safe place, but there’s bad no matter where you go.”
People in the area said they are putting the incidents in the past.
“You can’t be afraid,” Pacheco said, shaking his head. “At the end of the day if you are, then they win.”
The car has been towed away, and police said the investigation is still active. No arrests have been made so far.
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