Some not-so-happy meals at two locally owned Newton McDonalds the last three days. One on Needham Street, and this one on California Street were charging customers too much sales tax.
Saturday the state hiked the tax to 6.25%, but these McDonalds were charging 7%!
Department of Revenue officials say not good.
Hank Phillippi Ryan, 7News"Is there any excuse for charging 7%?"
Bob Bliss, Massachusetts Department of Revenue"No."
Turns out these McDonalds are pleading confusion. A spokesperson says they thought Newton officials passed a local option to hike the city's tax to seven percent. But that–was 100% wrong.
Now they say:
"This was a mistake, and we sincerely apologize for charging a higher sales tax amount which we thought had gone into effect locally in Newton. As soon as we learned of our error, we made certain that our restaurants only charge the 6.25%."
And when we checked, the tax was right on the money. Bottom line,
McDonalds customers got nickeled and dimed to a total of $248. DOR officials say they didn't know about the error-and customer refunds have to come from the Mickey D's.
Bob Bliss, Massachusetts DOR "They should go back to the restaurant and say uh guys, you overcharged us."
But some hungry customers, carrying their bags of food, aren't exactly clamoring to get their pennies back.
Hank Phillippi Ryan, 7News "What do you think about this?"
Customer"It's not really a big deal."
Hank Phillippi Ryan, 7News "Would you ask for your money back?"
Customer "No?"
So what will happen to the too-much-tax money? McDonald's is now asking the DOR if they can donate it to charity.
How could it happen? The Department of Revenue admits there's no way for them to instantly know when there's a sales tax overcharge, and they tell me, big picture, they've recently gotten no complaints of errors. If you check your receipts and find a mistake? They say give them a call.
(Copyright (c) 2009 Sunbeam Television Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)