A study led by University of California Los Angeles revealed certain cardiovascular risk factors may predict a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers assessed lifestyle data and brain images of more than 1,500 adults over a seven year period. 

Smoking and obesity were associated with lower volume in areas of the brain linked to memory retrieval, social behavior, and emotional behavior.

Alcohol use and diabetes were linked to smaller total brain volume which may also be a predictor of Alzheimer's disease. 

The study was published in 'Radiology'. 

New research suggests very premature or low birthweight babies are at a higher risk of becoming introverted and anxious adults. 

A study led at the University of Warwick (UK) studied 400 young adults either born before 32 weeks or born under three pounds.

Researchers determined they were more likely to have a 'socially withdrawn personality'.

They had a tendency to worry, avoid risk taking, and showed autistic spectrum behaviors. 

Experts said this may be an effect of biology and overprotective parenting. 

A person's well-being as an adult may be predicted by their college social life.

A study by the University of Rochester found more socially active 20-year olds were less likely to be lonely or depressed by the age 50 than those who were more introverted.

By the age of 30, the quality of relationships became more important to future emotional health than the number of friends a person had. 

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