The sea breeze can be a back and forth thing around Logan Airport this time of year, and since it's where Boston's official records are kept, we do pay attention to it.  Yes, I know, no one lives on the runway, or in terminal C, but records have been kept there for decades, so for consistency, we still take the numbers there.  What was interesting yesterday was to watch the "official" Boston temp hit 88, sea breeze back to 82, then jump up to 91 near 6pm as wind turned west.  That late wind shift was good enough to give us a third day of 90+ and the first heat wave in two years. 

Will we hit 90 again today?  I'd think that around Back Bay or Fenway, yes, there's a pretty good shot at it, but where the records are kept, we may fall just short as the sea breeze could hold temps into the upper 80s.  Bottom line, it's still hot and humid and inland towns do reach the lower 90s.  Also, today we'll watch a few hit or miss showers and storms pop-up this afternoon.  The overall coverage area runs around 30% (higher inland/lower coast) and while widespread severe weather is not expected, storms that do form will be slow moving, producing locally heavy rain and localized street/urban flooding possibilities. We'll keep an eye on it for ya. 

Wednesday and Thursday, the storm chance is low, but the humidity remains high.  Temps trend down as winds turn more onshore.  Upper 80s Wednesday, mid 80s Thursday. 

Friday-Weekend… a cool front moves in and stalls/fades out across our area.  It won't rain the whole time, but the chance for some scattered storms/downpours is there… especially Friday afternoon/Saturday. 

Stay cool! 

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