Watch out Bernie, here comes Hillary!

Hillary Clinton is surging, and Bernie Sanders is flirting with free-fall. We could be watching a re-run of the comeback kid.

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Sanders is number one, but weakening.  He  gets 55%, after losing 3 per centage points over night, while Clinton, with 40%, gained 4 points since yesterday. Undecideds are now 4%, down one point.

The tracking poll shows Clinton’s dramatic rise:  She’s now just fifteen points behind Sanders, after trailing him by 31 when we started polling this week.

Sanders has lost sixteen points of his lead, more than half of what he had.

Right now, the Republicans in New Hampshire can’t match the Democrat’s drama.

There was very little change for the GOP overnight.

Donald Trump is right where he’s always been, but he lost another two points.

No change for Marco Rubio, who still has 15%, keeping him in second place, 

And Ted Cruz, in third, seems frozen at 14%.

John Kasich gained a point, tying him with Jeb Bush at 8%.

There were no changes for the bottom tier of the Republican pack…

Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina all maintained the support they had.

The change in the  Republican track seems slight, but could be significant.   For the second day in a row, Donald Trump lost two points, which brings Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz a little closer to him. 

Here’s the question now: Can Hillary win New Hampshire, and all but end the Democratic race? Is there enough time for her to catch Sanders?

Even if the answer is "no," at the rate she’s going, she could make a Sanders victory empty.

(Copyright (c) 2016 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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