I haven’t seen the new documentary because it hasn’t aired yet. But the trailer is enough to convince me this is not the Mitt Romney you’re accustomed to seeing.
“Corporations are people my friend,” said Romney.
Remember when Romney was running for president?
The pictures we got were of a stiff, out of touch candidate.
“Anne drives a couple of cadillacs, actually…” “Ten thousand bucks?”
But this documentary produces different pictures: Romney rolling in the snow, getting his perfect hair mussed up, and even ironing a suit sleeve himself.
“The flipping Mormon,” said Romney in the film.
And remember all the flip flop charges against romney? You can be sure he does.
“It’s like trying to convince people that Dan Quayle is smart, all right? You’re not going to convince them that Dan Quayle is smart. And maybe I can live with that, ‘oh, you flip flop on everything’, in which case, I think I’m a flawed candidate,” said Romney.
And you’ll see the moment when Romney and his family realize Barack Obama was going to win the election:
“I just can’t believe you’re going to lose,” said Romney’s son.
“Yeah, yup, yup,” he replied.
“So what do you think you say in a concession speech? By the way, does anyone have the number for the president?” asked Romney.
“I do,” said his son.
“Ok, haha, I hadn’t thought about that,” said Romney.
But, they had all thought about losing.
“A year ago, we told you we’d love you no matter how this thing turned out,” Romney’s son said.
Now you’re not so sure?” Romney asked laughing. “Now we’re not so sure,” he replied.
“I have looked by the way, at what happens to anybody in this country, who loses as the nominee to their party, they become a loser for life, all right? All right, it’s over,” said Romney
So finally, Romney is a real person, not a robot.
Better late than never, but too late–I think–to make any difference in his political future.