A Kansas couple heard of a cat in need, and traveled miles to make sure it had a place to call home.

The couple came across the cat’s story on the Internet. The cat, named Rockette, was found by a fisherman in a sack on a riverbank. She was beaten and shot several times with a pellet gun.

"I just knew something spoke to me and said I needed to take care of this cat,” said Judy Powell.

Miraculously, she survived and had kittens. 

But to fully fight her infections, the pellets and her eyes had to be removed.

The Powell’s began sending donations for Rockette’s care, and eventually asked if they could give her a home.
"How could you not love this cat,” said Powell. “She needed someone to take care of her."

Staff at the animal shelter conducted several interviews to ensure the Powell’s could meet Rockette’s special needs. 

This week, they made a five hour trip from their home to welcome their new addition.

For the staff who spent six months nursing her back to health, it’s bittersweet.

“She’ll be taken care of, I promise," said Powell.

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