Having spent several minutes on TV today chatting about our potential storm on repeating the phrase…"New England will be on the edge of this storm"…it’s no wonder Living On The Edge found its way into my brain this evening so I’m listening to it as I write this blog–such a great tune–to help drive home the point about this storm.
There is no doubt a monster storm taking shape the next 2-3 days. It’s the track of the storm from Saturday & beyond where things get dicey. This storm will pass through the Mid-Atlantic on Friday & into Saturday and pummel much of Megalopolis (sans Boston!) with snow & wind. For southern New England, we will be on the northern edge of this storm and while it spares us having to deal with 1-2 feet of snow & high wind, the challenge is..how much snow should I prepare for?
Being on the northern edge of this storm one usually finds a drastic cutoff to snow amounts going from south to north & it’s no different this go-around. You can see in our maps section the *special map* that details how much snow is on the way….basically it’s not much for the metro…coating-2" possible with more along the South Coast and only flurries north of town. As for its arrival, I’d plan on some snow arriving Saturday evening and lasting into Sunday morning. It won’t be steady or heavy around metro Boston so keep date night intact (ie..don’t cancel dinner reservations), there may be some steadier snow along the South Coast/Cape Saturday evening.
Wind will be an issue along the coast Saturday Night & Sunday, combining with astronomical high tides could lead to some minor coastal flooding at the time of high tide Saturday Night & midday Sunday (11pm & 11am respectively).
Sunday is a windy, blustery & cold day with some sun by afternoon. Milder weather returns next week.