LEOMINSTER, MASS. (WHDH) - As Massachusetts prepares to plunge into a deep freeze, many people got outside to enjoy the fresh snow while the air was still bearable.

Several cold weather advisories have been issued for parts of our area.

For many, Monday was a race to plow, shovel, and scrape before the several inches of snow form overnight could freeze solid.

In Boston, where the wind chill could drop to zero or below, city officials want people to be prepared.

City officials also urge residents to shovel any snow, if they haven’t already, before the freeze.

Although the forecast is not cold enough to declare an “emergency,” public library branches and city community centers will double as warming centers.

In Andover, drivers prepped their cars to brace for the big chill.

“My dad taught me to always wear layers so when you get cold, just gotta have stuff in your car to be prepared if you do get off the road,” said resident Jessica Marsh.

In Leominster, where wind chills could soon dip to at least 10 below, locals decided it was too cold, even for ice.

The downtown skating rink was abandoned by dinner time.

As the holiday snow comes to an end, people say they’re ready to stay cozy inside until this cold snap is over too.

“[We’re ready] to hibernate with a fire and some movies,” said one person. “Getting activities out of the way now and then we’ll be warm and cozy in our beds.”

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