TOWNSEND, MASS. (WHDH) - A student has been charged in connection with a fight at a high school in Townsend that sent another student to the hospital.
The fight happened at North Middlesex Regional High School between two 16-year-old sophomores. Police do not know what started the fight but said the two boys got into a dispute.
School officials said after the fight, one of the boys ran into the school’s main office and asked a teacher for help before collapsing. He was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
The fight was so serious that the police were called to the school. A notification was also sent to parents.
The other boy was arrested and charged with assault and battery and disturbing the peace. He has been released to his parents and may be suspended or expelled.
“It’s an unfortunate situation and we do not tolerate violence in the school, so it’s very concerning,” said Townsend Schools Superintendent Joan Landers.
The boy was taken to Nashoba Valley Hospital, then to UMass Medical Center in Worcester. Police said they are hopeful he will recover but his injuries are “very serious.”
#Townsend police chief: 911 call reported student lost consciousness. Current condition is being monitored. #7News
— Kimberly Bookman (@KimberlyBookman) May 25, 2016