A Missouri girl battling brain cancer got help from the Make-a-Wish Foundation in cleaning up her community.
The foundation told Amelia Meyer she could have anything she wanted and she told them she wanted help picking up trash at the local park.
"It doesn’t look nice and another reason is because it can stay dirty and it can get animals sick," said Amelia.
Amelia’s mother Jill said her daughter loves the outdoors and she was happy that Amelia got the chance to be a kid and be outside for the day with her friends.
"She’s always been that kid I cannot get inside," said Jill Meyer.
As part of her special project, Amelia was greeted by a police procession and hundreds of volunteers at Swope Park. Everyone pitched in to help Amelia clean the park and other spots around Kansas City and the mayor even proclaimed Saturday "Amelia Meyer Take Care of Your World Day."
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