NBC News has confirmed the helmet credited with saving an officer’s life during the Orlando nightclub shooting was made in a small Vermont town.

The picture of the damaged helmet is so powerful, it still gives Mike Dubie chills.

“This is someone who was putting their life on the line to stop the killing, Dubie said. “And if he didn’t have this helmet, he’d be dead.”

Dubie, from the protective gear manufacturer Revision, responded to questions about the origins of the bullet-resistant helmet Orlando Officer Michael Napolitano credits with saving his life when responding to the massacre inside the Pulse Nightclub.

“We feel like we have a connection to the Orlando Police Department,” Dubie said.

A barcode traced the exact piece of equipment back to Newport, Vermont.

The officer’s lifeline was made there in July 2014.

NBC visited nearly two years before that, witnessing the molding of the same style of helmet.

Revision said its team is so grateful to have helped the police response, and joins the nation in its embrace of Orlando.

“The fact that it happened at all just breaks your heart,” Dubie said. “But, the fact that we could maybe prevent one more life from being taken, it connects us to the tragedy in a way we will never forget.”

Tom Torti of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce recently toured the plant and met the workers, now with new admiration for them.

“They’re about saving lives and doing the best they can to protect the men and women who have to wear this and go into harm’s way,” Torti said.

Revision promised to maintain that mission, with this reminder of how high the stakes can be.

“The work we’re doing at Revision — it’s important,” Dubie said.

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