QUINCY, MASS. (WHDH) - A martial arts school in Quincy is taking action in response to violent attacks on Asian women, including a kidnapping at the Wollaston T-Stop.
The studio, Wah Lum in Quincy, offered a free self defense class for the community Sunday afternoon. From 3 to 6 p.m., people of all ages and skill-sets showed up to practice new skills.
The owner of the school and chief instructor, Mai Du, said the main goal of the training is to mentally prepare people for dangerous situations.
“The more you train, the more you practice, of course it helps to find a situation to be more familiar and therefore you feel like you’re quicker to collect yourself mentally, emotional, and then act,” Du said. “So training helps with that, just like anything else, when we train and practice a lot, it becomes easier and easier.”
Another free training class will be held Wednesday at the Metropolitan Community room on Oak Street in Chinatown, this time in partnership with the Asian Community Development Center.
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