BOSTON (WHDH) - Weeks after a partial parking garage collapse in Boston, the MBTA has released new information about the damage done to the subway tunnels below ground.

Images show the spot where more than 100 tons of concrete hit the ground when part of the Government Center parking garage collapsed at the end of March.

“You see on the bottom left, the depression that was left from the force of the impact,” MBTA General Manager, Steve Poftak explained. “It is directly on top of the Green Line tunnels.”

Poftak, shared pictures of those cracks during a meeting of the MBTA’s Board of Directors Thursday morning.

“We did not find any significant damage, notable damage. We did find a couple of items where there was some cracking,” he said. “That’s something we continue to monitor and received every assurance from our engineers that the tunnels were safe to operate.”

T officials used drones to check on the tunnels before sending inspectors in. Ultimately they determined the tunnels were safe, service resumed and Haymarket Station reopened.

“It took us a long time to get to a point where we were confident to restore service,” said Poftak. “We are grateful to our customers for their patience.”

The collapse took the life of 51-year-old Peter Monsini. The MBTA said OSHA has not made a final report on what happened or how to move forward with the construction work.

MBTA officicals said they have an agreement with the development company to pay for the costs surrounding the incident.

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