WINTHROP, MASS. (WHDH) - The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority has recommended a damaged wind turbine on Deer Island be taken down, one day after a piece of a turbine blade appeared to fly off the structure on Monday. 

The out-of-service turbine suddenly started spinning on Monday and continued spinning until officials said a contractor was able to insert a braking mechanism. 

In an update on Tuesday, the MWRA said the turbine suffered “significant damage.”

“MWRA believes that the best course of action is to take it down so it no longer poses a danger,” the authority said in its update.

While officials said staff are “working to expedite removal,” the MWRA said it may take “a couple of days” to begin work to remove the turbine. 

Public access to the area around the turbine on Deer Island will remain closed until the turbine is taken down, officials said. 

An investigation into the cause of the incident remained underway as of Tuesday.

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