NORTON, MASS. (WHDH) - Candles lit up the night sky for 6-year-old Josie Pinto.
The little girl living with autism died Friday after being pulled from an icy pond behind her Norton house.
“It’s the most heartwarming thing we felt in a long time,” said Joao Pinto and Patricia Sweeney, Josie’s parents. “We appreciate everyone, and the fire department for trying to find her, and the Mass. state police… Everyone, thank you.”
Rescue crews were in the water for 12 minutes before finding her.
Josie was pronounced dead at the hospital.
“She’s always going to be in our hearts, and we miss her,” said Debbie Gantz, an educator in Norton. “She’s amazing and we are devastated.”
Family and friends say Josie was full of life and wonder. She loved puzzles and using her swing set in the backyard.
She was an affectionate first grader who loved school and riding on the big yellow school bus, one of her favorite things to do.
“Her and her sister are amazing to work with,” said educator Kellie Simpson. “They are amazing and they are very loved.”
Several Norton mothers attended the vigil, sharing how much their children loved Josie.
“It’s unfathomable,” said Ashley Hatsiopoulos, Norton resident. “It’s a conversation I hope to never relive again with my children. We are here in solidarity with the family.”
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