Is it raining or not?! I hear ya! It seems like it’s been raining for almost 24 hours, based on the fact I’ve had my umbrella in hand for 2 days now & have used wipers for commuting. When scanning rainfall reports, I see paltry amounts of rain as most towns between .10 and .20" of rain since midday yesterday. More of the same today.

It’s a slow moving storm that is with us yet again today producing batches of light rain. Rain gear is needed but not all day at every minute as these batches of rain cruise through New England, much like ocean swells approaching a beach. Most towns will pick up an additional .25" of rain today and into tonight…beneficial rain but not overwhelming. Temps need some work. We’ll spend much of the day crawling out of the 30s and into the 40s but oddly enough the warmest part of the day will be this evening as a brief but warm punch of air arrives, sending temps into the low 50s! Those numbers will drop back into the upper 40s by early Thursday morning.

Thursday we see this storm pull away from southern New England and in doing so, allows some sunshine to poke through the clouds but also generate wind…a chilly wind that will keep temps in the mid 40s for much of the day before falling into 30s by evening. Sunshine, light wind and mild temps for Friday & the weekend. Great for putting up Christmas lights or getting in a round of golf (or two).

Mild pattern holds firm until mid-late month delaying the question…is it snowing or not?


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