A California highway patrol officer was caught on video pulling a man from the edge of a bridge.
The terrifying scene occurred on a highway overpass above a busy street in North Fresno.
The chilling moment was captured on a driver’s cell phone video, and it showed a man walking right on the edge of the bridge, posing a danger to himself and the drivers below.
California Highway Patrol Motorcycle Officer Christopher Samberg arrived on scene.
"It looked like he might fall over,” Swanberg said. “I was very concerned he was just going to fall over because he was so unbalanced.”
Utilizing his training, Swanberg talked to the man as he tried to get closer. Then the man slipped, and Officer Swanberg moved in for the rescue.
"I don’t think i had time to think about it,” Swanberg said. “I just reacted to it."
Swanberg struggled with the man, who made a break for the edge of the overpass.
"There was maybe a couple second while we were on the k-rail, where I was actually looking over the side, where it was pretty nerve-racking," Swanberg said.
That’s when Daniel Martinez and his friend George pulled over in their work truck.
"We were driving and I had seen he was wrestling with this guy, kind of wrestling with him, so I slowed down," Martinez said.
With the help of the men in orange jumpsuits, the man was taken into custody.
Martinez said the only reason they were able to help is because he missed an exit.
"I would’ve passed all that up,” he said. “So I just think we were there at the right time. I think it was supposed to happen."
Thankful for the help, Swanberg said answering a call like this was a first.
"We’ve had pedestrians on the freeway many times here in Fresno, but I’ve never had one where I had to grab and go to the k-rail with and look over the side," he said.
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