BOSTON (WHDH) - A proposal in Boston would provide handicapped parking placards for pregnancies.

Boston City Councilor John Fitzgerald says those in their third trimester would benefit from having access to handicapped parking spaces.

The policy would only apply to women entering the final stage of their pregnancy.

Fitzgerald says he’s carefully watching states like Texas and Illinois, which have similar parking policies.

The father of three also said the idea came after a conversation with his wife.

“I remember one day my wife pulling up and saying, ‘I feel like we should be able to park in the handicapped spot,’ because in the third trimester it gets very difficult and can be physically debilitating for some women and people who are pregnant.”

Fitzgerald says if the plan is given the green light, the city will be able to monitor the availability of handicapped spots to make sure there’s not too much competition.

The proposal will go before the council for discussion.

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