SHREWSBURY, MASS. (WHDH) - A red tailed hawk in Paxton was found with the feathers of its wings and tail cut off, leaving it unable to fly.

Jess Zorge runs the Raptor Tales Rescue Sanctuary in Shrewsbury, and is wondering why someone would do this.

“We have a few birds with feather trauma here, but this by far is the worst I’ve ever seen,” said Zorge.

The red tailed hawk was found on a pile of wood Thursday night, prompting an immediate investigation by police and wildlife officials.

In Massachusetts it’s illegal to own a raptor without a permit.

Fines for harassing a raptor, possessing, or killing one range from $5,000 to $250,000.

Zorge says the recovery period for the bird isn’t a matter of days, weeks, or even months.

“It could be two, two and a half years,” said Zorge. “Those damaged feathers would drop and be replaced with new ones, but it doesn’t happen all at once. So, it’s a waiting game.”

At this time, no one is arrested in the case, and it is under investigation.

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