Residents in Revere are keeping a close eye on their homes after open floodgates sent water pouring in. 

That water then froze in the sub-zero temperatures over the weekend, but with a warming trend on the rise, that ice is going to melt, causing new concerns. 

Some homes were filled with several inches of ice that froze pipes, damaging several homes on Arcadia Street.     

"There’s nowhere for the water to go, so if I run my kitchen sink, it comes up through the floor," homeowner Sheri Desimone. 

City officials met with engineers on Monday to assess what more can be done. 

"The only relief people will get now is to keep the gate closed to prevent more water from coming in," City Councillor John Powers said. 

With gates closed, people who live nearby wonder if that will cause more problems. 

"With the upcoming rain, I’m afraid this is going to come up and then still flood the area if they’re not allowing the gate to open and the pressure to go back out," said neighbor Rod Burrow. 

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