The American Meteorological Society defines a cloud as: A visible aggregate of minute water droplets and/or ice particles in the atmosphere above the earth’s surface. Heads up, you’ll see quite a few of these visible aggregates the next several days. Normally, storminess is associated with cloud cover but in today’s case those clouds just happen to be leftovers from a storm several days ago. At times the sun will share the sky with the clouds & other times (and locations) it will just be a cloudy sky. Despite all these clouds, no rain or snow expected today or this evening.
Onto the weekend! Welp…more visible aggregates of water droplets on the way and like today those clouds will not be tied to a storm system. Rather, a flow of air over the Atlantic Ocean westward into New England. This onshore flow will produce clouds tomorrow afternoon and right into next week. I actually think enough moisture from the Atlantic streams in here that a few snow flurries & snow showers happen tomorrow evening and again on Sunday. These flakes won’t get in your way as you head to the shopping malls, instead add to the holiday spirit.
Looking into next week, clouds are with us Monday-Wednesday with a few rain showers on Tuesday then a powerhouse storm for Christmas Eve with rain & wind. Dry weather and sunshine return for Christmas Day!
Happy Holidays!