NANTUCKET, MASS. (WHDH) - A drone was found on the grounds of Nantucket Memorial Airport Sunday, officials said, amid a slew of reported drone sightings across the East Coast.

At around 7:30 a.m., airport operations staff discovered a small, multi-rotor drone on the airfield, the airport said in a statement. It was found on the pavement of an area “reserved for the safe operation of aircraft,” airport staff said.

Airport staff reported the finding to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Transportation Security Administration, the statement said.

The drone, which weighs less than 0.55 pounds, is readily available online and “may not require FAA registration” if used recreationally, the airport said. However, regulations around airports are a bit tighter.

“Drone operators should avoid flying near airports and must receive an airspace authorization prior to operation,” the airport said.

No flights at Nantucket Memorial Airport were impacted and there were no reported threats to aircraft, according to the airport.

Back on the mainland, two men are accused of flying a drone near Boston’s Logan International Airport Saturday night.

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