Cyber criminals might be following Santa down the chimney this holiday season.
Smart watches and fitness trackers made Intel Security’s list of "Most Hackable Gifts".
Many wearables use Bluetooth to sync with downloaded apps.
"They can often jump outside of that app and be aware of everything else that might be on that device," Online Safety Expert Stacey Conner said.
Smart phones and tablets are also susceptible.
"Oftentimes cyber criminals can impersonate a Bluetooth device or connection to gain access to all the information you might have," Conner said.
Some pieces of advice for those looking to protect their gadgets include turning off Bluetooth when you’re not using it, not connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks, and protecting your home network.
Drones and camera-enabled devices are another target for hackers.
"Make sure that you maintain all of the materials that came with that product, they are going to outline preset passwords or settings on those particular devices," Conner said.
It can be easy to overlook the kids’ toys when it comes to cyber security, but many modern toys are made with high-tech features.
"Any kids’ toys that are indeed connected to the internet are vulnerable to cyber security threats and hacks," Conner said.
It’s not just child’s play. Parents should be sure to change the default password and manage settings to restrict what it broadcasts to the Internet.
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