BOSTON (WHDH) - Her doctor’s visit was the first week of September and Kerri decided to get the medical tests while she still had health insurance
“I assumed I had health insurance and went about my business” recalls Axelrod.
About a month later, Kerri received a letter from the insurance company.
“My health insurance ended before it was supposed to” she says.
Kerri says her former employer put the incorrect date on the paperwork it submitted – showing Kerri’s last day at work as August 31st instead of her actual end date of September 11th.
“I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and be like ‘oh this is just a mistake'” says Kerri “and so i immediately contacted my former employer”
Kerri says the people she spoke with at her old company promised to fix the problem, and she assumed they did; until this past March when she received another letter – and this one included a bill.
Kerri exclaimed ” The final bill that I got in the mail was almost 4-thousand dollars!”
Kerri called the insurance company herself to try to fix the problem.
“After being on hold for hours and hours and hours,” Kerri tells 7News “They told me they couldn’t help me either and the only people who could help me were my former employer.”
So after six months Kerri called Solve it 7.
Solve it 7 spoke to Kerri’s former CEO over the phone. He said Kerri was right about the date mix up, but that he thought it had been corrected long ago.
“Hours later” Keri tells Solve it 7 I got an email from both the founder and CEO of the company and the finance manager ?)
Kerri’s problem was solved.
“I’m extremely happy with Solve it 7 Kerri said “Solve it 7 completely made a difference!”
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