A Bellingham man ordered some golf clubs he thought weren’t quite up to par. He says he got a refund runaround when he tried to return them, so he contacted Solve It Seven. Brandon Gunnoe has the story.

After he retired, Jim Vincini decided hitting the links would be a perfect hobby.

“What do I love about it? Well, more than anything, it’s probably just getting together. Because during retirement, a lot of times, you don’t see any of the people that you knew before, and I can hold my own with a lot of the guys,” Jim said.  

Hoping to improve his game Jim bought a set of four clubs from an online golf company.

“I’m always thinking I could use a few more yards on my swing on my distance,” Jim said. 

He called in his order and paid about $500.

“The man I talked to said, okay, but the deal is we’re going to send you four clubs.  Try them out. Keep them for a while. If you’re not satisfied, send them back, and we’ll refund your payment,” Jim said.  

The set arrived in June, and Jim tried them out.

Distance-wise, they didn’t do anything for me.

Jim decided to return the clubs and called the store.

“I said, ‘I’d like to get an authorization return number,’ and the gentleman that I was talking to started hemming and hawing. Instead of giving me a number, he started offering me deals. I said, ‘No, I’m not interested.’ He said, ‘Well, look, what if you keep the clubs and we send you a partial refund?’ I started thinking about it, and I said, ‘You know what? Okay,'” Jim said.  

Jim says he agreed to a $350 refund.

“And he said, ‘Okay, at the end of the next billing cycle,’ he said, ‘We’ll credit your account,'” Jim said.  

But July, August, and September went by — and Jim says things went off course.      

“Kept getting the same answer. You know, ‘We’ll look into it. We’ll get with the accounting department, and we’ll get it done,'” Jim said.  

Hoping for a stroke of luck, Jim emailed Solve It 7. “I see Solve It 7 doing all kinds of good work for people. I said, ‘Well, what do I got to lose?'”

We called and emailed the company. A representative told us:

We are looking into the delay in this particular instance and appreciate Jim allowing us to rectify the issue…

And they did.  Jim’s money was finally refunded.

“I want to thank Solve it 7. You guys just seem to get things done, and I was real pleased with the way it went down,” Jim said.  

Thanks, Jim. And good luck with your golf game! Do you want us to take a swing at solving one of your problems?  

Give us a call at 617-367-7777. 

Or email us, which is the fastest way to reach us: SolveIt7@whdh.com 

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