A local man paid for a spot to sell his handcrafted wooden bowls at a festival, but the event was suddenly canceled.  

When he didn’t get his money back, he reached out to Solve It 7.  Here’s Brandon Gunnoe.  

Spencer Borden gives new life to dead trees near his Concord home.

“I want to make something else out of it,” Spencer said. 

He designs, turns, and sands the wood into these beautiful bowls.

“I want you to see what the inside of the wood looks like,” Spencer said. 

These wooden wonders also helped this retired physician carve out a new life, selling his creations to customers at craft fairs.

“I want them to pick it up. Feel it, the heft, feel the sensation. People use their fingers at craft fairs; they don’t on the internet; all you’re doing is looking at a picture,” Spencer said. 

 Last year, he paid an event company for a spot to sell his bowls at a festival.

“I showed up early on Saturday morning with all of my tables and bowls and ready to set up with a tent, and nothing was happening. I said, ‘What’s going on?’ They said, ‘The event’s canceled.’ I was upset because I was looking forward to it,” Spencer said. 

Spencer tried to get his money back.

“I emailed the organizer and said, can I have a refund of my vendor fee? And didn’t hear back. And three months later, I emailed again, didn’t hear back,” Spencer said. 

Wondering if he’d ever get out of the woods– Spencer emailed Solve It 7.

“I’ve seen on TV how you make magic happen to other people,” Spencer said. “Maybe you can make magic happen for me?”

We called the organizer. He told us the event was canceled at the last minute due to a permit issue and he’s trying to refund all the vendors as fast as he can.

Shortly after, Spencer got his refund check.

“What you do is a great service to the community and making things happen,” Spencer said. “You know, it’s wonderful. Thank you so much. I love what you do, and I watch you all the time on the news.”

Thank you for tuning in, Spencer.  Are you bowled over by a problem? 

Give us a call at 617-367-7777.  

Or email us, which is the fastest way to reach us: SolveIt7@whdh.com

(Copyright (c) 2024 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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