If we didn’t laugh, we’d cry. Another “storm” stuffs us with snow over the course of days. Never really getting too intense, this “setup of snow” was highly efficient. Ocean effect clobbered the South Shore and seems to still have a stranglehold on that area until the winds shift late tonight and early tomorrow morning. Hang in there, we’re not done yet. Another 3-6″ is possible through the wee hours of the morning.
Elsewhere, the picture isn’t as clear. The tripwire for snow (aka the coastal front) is wobbling this evening. It briefly wobbled back to the North Shore this evening and may waver around the city into the late night hours. It could spell another 2-4 inches from Boston north.
Eventually, the snow will end. That I can promise. The totals shown to the right are what we’re expecting when the dust settles.
I can’t even bring myself to look at the next two storms. Be that as it may, it is my job. The unprecedented streak will continue, and with added drama too. Today’s system will become one of three nor’easters to form in the next 6-7 days in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Odd? Certainly so. Unlucky? Might add that too.
Finally, the cause and effect. What put us on the path to weather history? Normal climate variation? Or something else? I’m the messenger in all respects of the science of meteorology. I don’t do research in a tent in the Arctic, I don’t publish papers in weather journals and I don’t have a Ph.d. I defer to people who do for the insight and perspective. One such expert has a local connection and extensive background on the subject of climate change. His well-published and peer-reviewed introspective follows here.
Please help a neighbor, a plow operator, a firefighter, the oil guy and the mailman by digging out the driveways, fire hydrants, oil/gas fill pipes and mailboxes.
Be well.