Shane Farberman knows how to clown around. 

He’s been doing it professionally for 32 years, but it’s not his funny chops giving Farberman, known better by his clown name “Doo Doo,” worldwide attention. 

Farberman is being recognized for his quick thinking in an incident far more serious than his usual work. 

For more than 30 years, he has been known as a clown, and now some are calling him a hero. 

Doo Doo the clown was driving in downtown Toronto, Canada, when he noticed a man acting strangely. 

“I see a guy running and jumping cars, just with shorts and shirt, no shoes, jumping up and down I see people jumping out of cars,” Farberman said. “The guys running around pushing people so I call 911.”

With his cousin, and two other clowns in the car, one of the pregnant, they followed the man. Doo Doo’s dashcam was recording as the man approached two women and then turned around and ran to attack them. 

The women managed to get in to the clown car, before the man started attacking the car. 

The man ripped the side view mirror off, but the women and the clowns were safe as police arrived an apprehended him. 

For a clown used to making a spectacle, this was like nothing he’d ever seen before.

“You’re right, I look for attention,” he said. “I’m a children entertainer. I’ve been doing this and this is not the kind of attention I was looking for.”

The incident has left the clown shaken, but the sad clown realized it could have been much worse if he hadn’t stepped in. 

The attacker is now facing three charges. Police believe it was a drug-related reaction. 

Doo Doo was later honored for his bravery at the Toronto City Hall. 

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