BELMONT, MASS. (WHDH) - A truck driver took action to avoid disaster in Belmont Tuesday.

Officials said the driver was heading downhill toward an intersection around 8:30 a.m. when he said he realized his brakes gave out. According to police, the driver’s decision to turn down a side street to avoid hitting anyone avoided a much larger incident.

“He was heroic, because he was trying to save other people’s lives,” neighbor Becky Porteous said.

The truck did rollover in the process, spilling gravel all over the road. But crews were able to flip the truck right side up, and the driver has a minor shoulder injury.

“10 wheel dump truck was traveling down Clifton Street toward Belmont Center, and overturned at Fletcher Road,” Assistant Fire Chief Andrew Tobio said.

Porteous was thankful the driver was able to avoid a worse outcome.

“It’s the town center, so there’s a lot of busy walking and vehicles crossing and people eating out.”

The driver is expected to be okay and no one else was hurt.

“Good for him,” Porteous said. “to run into a barrier is, you know on the highway they have those truck ramps on the highway, and he did exactly the right thing.”

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