Judge delays state trial in church shooting

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A judge has delayed the start of the state trial for the man accused of killing nine people at a CharlestonRead More

ACLU, other groups sue police over Baton Rouge protests

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Civil rights groups and activists sued Baton Rouge law enforcement agencies over their treatment of protesters rallying against the policeRead More

LeBron James leads call to end gun violence at ESPY Awards

LOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James won five trophies, including best male athlete and best NBA player, at the ESPY Awards on Wednesday night whenRead More

Bill aimed to cut down opioid abuse heads to president’s desk

A bill aimed at cutting down on opioid abuse in the U.S. will now go before the president. The senate approved the bill Wednesday byRead More

Son of Alton Sterling to meet with President Obama

The teenage son of one of the men shot dead by police last week, will meet with President Obama Thursday. Officers shot Alton Sterling inRead More

Ex-Stanford swimmer faces drug counseling after leaving jail

  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The former Stanford University swimmer who got six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman will be requiredRead More

6 rescued after boat overturns near N.Y.’s Ellis Island

JERSEY CITY, N.J. – Police officers from two agencies rescued six people after their boat capsized in New York Harbor. The motorboat took on waterRead More

Colorado deputies release bear that got stuck in car

GOLDEN, Colo. (AP) — It’s a locked room mystery with a twist: Instead of a room, it was a car, and instead of a victim,Read More

Military investigates why gunman got honorable discharge

DALLAS (AP) — Almost a week after the Dallas sniper attacks, it’s still unclear how the gunman obtained an honorable discharge from the military evenRead More

Appeals Court opens door to more GM ignition switch lawsuits

DETROIT (AP) — A federal appeals court has decided that people injured in crashes caused by faulty General Motors Co. ignition switches can sue theRead More